Action on Resolution 17-090, a Resolution in support for a State Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Grant Request for a Bicycle Infrastructure Project.
This resolution authorizes the City of Brookings' support for a State Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Grant Request for a Bicycle Infrastructure Project. The proposed project is the LeFevre Drive Allyn Frerichs Trail Connection.
The SDDOT has a Transportation Alternatives (TA) Grant Program that uses Federal Transportation Funds for specific activities that enhance the intermodal transportation system and provide safe alternative transportation options. TA replaces the former Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) and includes projects and activities such as pedestrian and bicycle facilities, recreational trails, Safe Routes to School projects, community improvements such as historic preservation and vegetation management and environmental mitigation related to storm water and habitat connectivity. Approximately $2.1 million is available through a competitive grant process administered by the SDDOT, and each individual grant may be approved for a maximum of $400,000 in Federal funds.
City staff examined a number of projects outlined in the Bicycle Master Plan and selected the LeFevre Drive Allyn Frerichs Trail Connection for the grant application; (Project #26 from the Bicycle Master Plan Project Priorities List). There are a number of reasons staff selected this project. During the community engagement sessions of the Bicycle Master Plan, the consultants heard comments that the hoteliers saw the value of promoting and increasing bicycling in the community in order to bolster the economic growth of the community. Many of the local hotels are currently located on the Allyn Frerichs Trail, which links visitors to the Dakota Nature Park as well as the Swiftel Center. One local hotel manager described visitors bringing their bicycles to Brookings...
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