Public Hearing and Action on Ordinance 17-023, an Ordinance amending Section 94-407, pertaining to Intersection Safety Zones.
Staff is proposing an Ordinance amendment to help create a safer community by refining the way the sight distance triangle is measured and applied throughout the city.
The sight triangle is an area of visibility required on a street or alley intersection and along a driveway which intersects a street that allows motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists a clear view for safety purposes. In many cases, the current ordinance is not sufficient in designating a sight triangle at intersections, alleys, and driveways. The amendment proposes to designate a sight triangle that is measured from the adjacent property lines.
The amendment restricts objects between 30 inches and 10 feet in height from being placed in the sight triangle. Typically, the line of sight for a motorist ranges from 30 inches to 10 feet when sitting in a vehicle. Districts that allow buildings to the lot line or within the sight triangle are exempt from the provisions of Section 94-407.
Ordinance Amendment- Marked Up
Ordinance Amendment- Clean Copy
Planning Commission Minutes 9/5/2017
Comparison Chart
Sight Triangle Exhibit