Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 9/12/2017 5:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location:
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
ID 2017-0561 11. Informational ReportBrookings Public Arts Commission update   Action details Video Video
ID 2017-0530 12. Informational ReportCity Council Interns   Action details Video Video
ID 2017-0521 13.B. Action ItemAction to approve the August 8, 2017 and August 22, 2017 City Council Minutes.approved as amendedPass Action details Not available
RES 17-086 13.C. ResolutionAction on Resolution 17-086, a Resolution revising certain Fees of the City of Brookings.   Action details Not available
RES 17-033 13.D. ResolutionAction on Resolution 17-033, a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to sign a Liquor Operating Agreement 5-year renewal for Old Market LLC, 424 5th St., legal description: All of lots 15-16-17-18, all in Block 7, Original Plat Addition, to include parking lot.   Action details Not available
RES 17-076 13.E. ResolutionAction on Resolution 17-076, a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to sign a Liquor Operating Agreement 5-year renewal for GDT Inc., dba Cubby’s Sports Bar & Grill, 307 Main Ave., legal description: Lots 3-4, Block 3, Original Plat Addition.   Action details Not available
RES 17-080 13.F. ResolutionAction on Resolution 17-080, a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to sign a Liquor Operating Agreement 5-year renewal for Prairie Lanes, 722 Western Ave., legal description: Lots 1-2, Block 1, Snyders Addition.   Action details Not available
RES 17-081 13.G. ResolutionAction on Resolution 17-081, a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to sign a Liquor Operating Agreement 5-year renewal for Skinners Pub, Inc., 300 Main Ave., legal description: Lots 1-2, Block 2, Original Plat Addition.   Action details Not available
RES 17-078 13.H. ResolutionAction on Resolution 17-078, a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to sign a Wine Operating Agreement 5-year renewal for New Sake, Inc., 724 22nd Ave. So., legal description: Restaurant: N 14.5' of S 542.8' and E 54.5' of W 309' incl. N 20' of S 528.3' and E 59' of W 313.5 Patio: N 14.5' of S 542.8' and E 24' of W 333' incl. N 20' of S 528.3' and E 19.5' of W 333', Lot 2, Brookings Mall Addition.   Action details Not available
RES 17-079 13.I. ResolutionAction on Resolution 17-079, a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to sign a Wine Operating Agreement 5-year renewal for Pheasant CafĂ© & Lounge, 726 Main Ave. So., legal description: Lot 2, Block 2, Grossman Heights Addition.   Action details Not available
RES 17-085 13.J. ResolutionAction on Resolution 17-085, a Resolution approving the City of Brookings Public Safety Collective Bargaining Agreement 2018 Wage Reopener with the Teamsters Local Union No. 120.   Action details Not available
RES 17-087 13.K. ResolutionAction on Resolution 17-087, a Resolution approving the City of Brookings City General Collective Bargaining Agreement 2018 Wage Reopener with the Teamsters Local Union No. 120.   Action details Not available
ID 2017-0557 15.C. Ceremonial ItemPresentation by Brad Wilson, Administrator, SDML Work Comp Fund.   Action details Video Video
ID 2017-0560 15.D. Informational ReportIntroduction of Matthew Sommerfeld, Brookings Airport Manager.   Action details Video Video
ID 2017-0546 15.E. Action ItemDiscussion and possible action to proceed with the Sexauer Park Restroom Project.approved  Action details Video Video
ID 2017-0546 1  Action ItemDiscussion and possible action to proceed with the Sexauer Park Restroom Project.approved as amendedPass Action details Video Video
ID 2017-0546 1  Action ItemDiscussion and possible action to proceed with the Sexauer Park Restroom Project.   Action details Video Video
ID 2017-0537 15.F. Informational ReportProgress Update on Brookings Marketplace.   Action details Video Video
ORD 17-017 28.C. OrdinancePublic Hearing and Action on Ordinance 17-017, an Ordinance Rezoning Block 3 and 9 in the Wiese Addition from a Planned Development District to a Planned Development District with an underlying Business B-4 Highway District, also known as 3031 6th Street and 809 32nd Avenue.approvedPass Action details Video Video
ID 2017-0519 18.D. Action ItemAction on an Initial Development Plan for Block 3 and 9 in the Wiese Addition, also known as Brookings Marketplace (3031 6th Street and 809 32nd Avenue).approvedPass Action details Video Video
RES 17-088 16.A. ResolutionAction on Resolution 17-088, a Resolution authorizing Change Order No. 1(Final) for 2017-06STI, Chip Seal Project; Topkote, Inc.approvedPass Action details Video Video
ID 2017-0542 16.B. Action ItemDiscussion and Action on 6th Street Lighting Upgrades from Main Avenue to Medary Avenue.approvedPass Action details Video Video
ORD 17-020 17.A. OrdinanceSecond Reading and Action on Ordinance 17-020, an Ordinance authorizing Supplemental Appropriation #2 to the 2017 into the record  Action details Video Video
ORD 17-021 17.B. OrdinanceSecond Reading and Action on Ordinance 17-021, an Ordinance amending Division 2 of Article V of Chapter 2 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Brookings, SD and pertaining to the Human Rights Commission of the City of into the record  Action details Video Video
ORD 17-018 28.A. OrdinanceThird Reading and Action on Ordinance 17-018, an Ordinance appropriating monies to fund the necessary expenditures and liabilities of the City of Brookings for the 2018 Fiscal Year and providing for the Annual Tax Levy and Annual Tax for All Funds.approved  Action details Video Video
ORD 17-018 2  OrdinanceThird Reading and Action on Ordinance 17-018, an Ordinance appropriating monies to fund the necessary expenditures and liabilities of the City of Brookings for the 2018 Fiscal Year and providing for the Annual Tax Levy and Annual Tax for All Funds.amendedPass Action details Video Video
ORD 17-018 2  OrdinanceThird Reading and Action on Ordinance 17-018, an Ordinance appropriating monies to fund the necessary expenditures and liabilities of the City of Brookings for the 2018 Fiscal Year and providing for the Annual Tax Levy and Annual Tax for All Funds.approved as amendedPass Action details Video Video
ORD 17-018 2  OrdinanceThird Reading and Action on Ordinance 17-018, an Ordinance appropriating monies to fund the necessary expenditures and liabilities of the City of Brookings for the 2018 Fiscal Year and providing for the Annual Tax Levy and Annual Tax for All Funds.amendedPass Action details Video Video
ORD 17-018 2  OrdinanceThird Reading and Action on Ordinance 17-018, an Ordinance appropriating monies to fund the necessary expenditures and liabilities of the City of Brookings for the 2018 Fiscal Year and providing for the Annual Tax Levy and Annual Tax for All Funds.approvedPass Action details Video Video
ORD 17-018 2  OrdinanceThird Reading and Action on Ordinance 17-018, an Ordinance appropriating monies to fund the necessary expenditures and liabilities of the City of Brookings for the 2018 Fiscal Year and providing for the Annual Tax Levy and Annual Tax for All Funds.referred to subsequent meeting  Action details Video Video
ID 2017-0517 18.B. Action ItemAdoption of the Capital Improvement Plan and Community Reinvestment Plan.approvedPass Action details Video Video
ORD 17-019 28.E. OrdinancePublic Hearing and Action on Ordinance 17-019, an Ordinance rezoning Lot 100, Block 1, Skinner’s Third Addition from an Industrial I-1 Light District to a Residence R-1D Single-Family District (807 2nd Street So.).denied  Action details Video Video