ID 23-0256
| 1 | 3. | | Minutes | Approval of May 2, 2023 Planning Commission & Board of Adjustment Minutes | approved | Pass |
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Not available
ID 23-0249
| 1 | 4a. | | Action Item | Variance - 217 Hickory Street - Driveway Width | approved as amended | Pass |
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ID 23-0249
| 1 | | | Action Item | Variance - 217 Hickory Street - Driveway Width | amended | Pass |
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ID 23-0251
| 1 | 4b. | | Action Item | Variance - 2401 Sweetgrass Drive - Second Driveway | approved | Pass |
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ID 23-0253
| 1 | 5a. | | Action Item | Final Development Plan - Brookings Marketplace | approved | Pass |
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ID 23-0254
| 1 | 5b. | | Action Item | Final Development Plan - Trails Head Addition | approved | Pass |
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ID 23-0245
| 1 | 5c. | | Action Item | Future Land Use Map Amendments | approved | Pass |
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ID 23-0244
| 1 | 5d. | | Action Item | Rezone Lots 1 to 11 in Block 28 in Timberline Addition | approved | Pass |
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ID 23-0243
| 1 | 5e. | | Action Item | Preliminary Plat of Lots 1 to 11 in Block 28 in Timberline Addition | approved | Pass |
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ID 23-0246
| 1 | 5f. | | Action Item | Rezone 2.84 Acres in the NW ΒΌ of Section 6, Township 109 North, Range 40 West | approved | Pass |
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ID 23-0247
| 1 | 5g. | | Action Item | Preliminary Plat - Mills Fourth Addition | approved | Pass |
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ID 23-0248
| 1 | 5h. | | Action Item | Rezone 2.16 Acres in Lot 2, Block 9 of Freeland Addition | approved | Pass |
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ID 23-0255
| 1 | 5i. | | Informational Report | Discuss Potential Text Amendment to the Business B-2 District | | |
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