Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/11/2025 5:30 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
ORD 25-005 24. OrdinancePublic Hearing and Action on City of Brookings Ordinance 25-005 and Brookings County Commission Ordinance 2025-02, an Ordinance to Change the Zoning Within the Joint Jurisdictional Area Surrounding the City of Brookings (Rezone Outlots 10 and 11 in the West ½ of the South ½ of the NE ¼ of Section 11, Township 109, Range 50 West, Brookings County, South Dakota from a Joint Jurisdiction Agriculture District to a Joint Jurisdiction Business B-3 Heavy District).   Not available Not available
ID 25-0113 17.A. Action ItemAction to approve City Council meeting minutes.   Not available Not available
ID 25-0118 17.B. Action ItemAction on Temporary Alcohol / Special Event Alcoholic Beverage Licenses from existing alcohol license holders.   Not available Not available
ID 25-0117 17.C.Drainage Fee Abatement-Rapid Valley AvenueInformational ReportAction to abate the 2024 Drainage Fee in the amount of $73.68, for Parcel # 40494-00300-004-05, Owners: Linda Moilan, Sherri Forrette, and Gary & Dianne Foster, Address: 2024/2026/2028 Rapid Valley Avenue, Legal description: Lot 4A, Block 3, River Run Addition.   Not available Not available
ID 25-0119 17.D.Drainage Fee Abatement-908 Christine AveInformational ReportAction to abate the 2024 Drainage Fee in the amount of $73.68, for Parcel # 40340-00200-001-00, Owner: Christine Condos, Address: 908 Christine Avenue, Legal description: Lots 1 & 2, Block 2, Meadowwood Addition.   Not available Not available
ID 25-0120 17.E.Drainage Fee Abatement-808 Christine AveInformational ReportAction to abate the 2024 Drainage Fee in the amount of $73.68, for Parcel # 40340-00100-001-00, Owner: Christine Condos, Address: 808 Christine Avenue, Legal description: Lots 1 & 2, Block 1, Meadowwood Addition.   Not available Not available
RES 25-025 17.F.Declare SurplusResolutionAction on Resolution 25-025, a Resolution declaring surplus property for the City of Brookings.   Not available Not available
ID 25-0129 17.G. Action ItemAction on a Restriction Agreement with Ryan Companies US Inc., for the Brookings Marketplace Parcel.   Not available Not available
ID 25-0115 18.A. Informational ReportReport: SDSU Student Association.   Not available Not available
ID 25-0114 18.B. MinutesReports: City Council Ex-Officio Reports   Not available Not available
ID 25-0124 18.C. Informational ReportUpdate: Downtown Fire   Not available Not available
ID 25-0102 18.D. Action ItemDiscussion on City Council Member Vacancy Process.   Not available Not available
ORD 25-009 110.A. OrdinanceIntroduction and First Reading on Ordinance 25-009, an Ordinance Authorizing Budget Amendment No. 10 to the 2024 Budget. Second Reading and Action: March 25, 2025.   Not available Not available
ORD 25-010 110.B.Ordinance - Revised Floodplain OrdinanceOrdinanceIntroduction and First Reading on Ordinance 25-010, an Ordinance Amending Chapter 38 - Floods, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Brookings, and Pertaining to the Flood Prevention and Regulations. Public Hearing and Action: March 25, 2025.   Not available Not available
ORD 25-007 211.A. OrdinanceSecond Reading and Action on Ordinance 25-007, an Ordinance Authorizing Budget Amendment No. 1 to the 2025 Budget.   Not available Not available
ORD 25-006 211.B. OrdinancePublic Hearing and Action on Ordinance 25-006, an Ordinance pertaining to an Application for a Conditional Use Permit to Establish a Major Home Occupation (Gunsmithing Business) in a Residence R-1C Single-Family District (1630 Olwien Street).   Not available Not available
RES 25-021 112.A. ResolutionAction on Resolution 25-021, a Resolution Transferring Contingency Funds.   Not available Not available
ID 25-0127 114.A. Executive Session ItemExecutive Session, pursuant to SDCL 1-25-2.3, for the purpose of consulting with legal counsel or reviewing communications from legal counsel about proposed or pending litigation or contractual matters; and SDCL 1-25-2.5, for the purpose of discussing marketing or pricing strategies by a board or commission of a business owned by the state or any of its political subdivisions, when public discussion may be harmful to the competitive position of the business.   Not available Not available