Third Reading and Action on Ordinance 23-020, an Ordinance Establishing the Number of Video Lottery Machine Placements in the City of Brookings, SD.
This Ordinance will provide the City of Brookings the ability to establish the number of video lottery machine placements in the City of Brookings.
Excerpt from July 11, 2023 City Council Minutes: “Ordinance 23-020. A motion was made by Council Member Tilton Byrne, seconded by Council Member Wendell, that Ordinance 23-020, an Ordinance Establishing the Number of Video Lottery Machine Placements in the City of Brookings, SD, be approved. A motion was made by Council Member Avery, seconded by Council Member Rasmussen, to amend Ordinance 23-020 and increase the number of authorizations to 30, from the stated 27. The motion carried by the following vote: Yes: 7 - Niemeyer, Wendell, Avery, Tilton Byrne, Specker, Doran, and Rasmussen. A friendly amendment was made by Council Member Tilton Byrne and accepted by Council Members Avery and Rasmussen to increase the population limit to 26,377. On the main motion, as amended, the motion carried by the following vote: Yes: 7 - Niemeyer, Wendell, Avery, Tilton Byrne, Specker, Doran, and Rasmussen. Due to substantial changes to Ordinance 23-020, a third reading and action will be held at the July 25th City Council Meeting.”
Staff recommends approval.