Action on an Initial Development Plan for Block 3 and 9 in the Wiese Addition, also known as Brookings Marketplace (3031 6th Street and 809 32nd Avenue).
Approve an Initial Development Plan for Brookings Marketplace.
A rezoning request to a Planned Development District (PDD) is a two-step process, with the first step pertaining to the approval of the PDD designation with an underlying zoning district identifying the acceptable uses within the proposed PDD. The second step of the process is review and approval of an Initial Development Plan (IDP).
The following information must be specified on the initial development plan:
(1) Project name and legal description.
(2) A preliminary subdivision plan in compliance with all applicable subdivision regulations.
(3) The proposed development scheme showing the following information:
a. The proposed land uses including the number and type of proposed residential buildings, the proposed number of dwelling units per building, the number and type of any proposed nonresidential buildings, and their square footage.
b. The proposed maximum density of the development. Where unique physical, environmental, or design characteristics exist or are proposed, lesser densities may be desirable.
c. The proposed maximum height. Where unique physical, environmental, or design characteristics exist or are proposed, lesser heights may be desirable.
d. Proposed design features illustrating compatibility with the surrounding environment and neighborhood.
e. Anticipated sub-area development sequence.
The applicant is requesting the Business B-4 Highway District as the underlying zoning district with the follow regulations:
Development Sequence:
* The Brookings Marketplace development is proposed to occur in three phases. The subareas are shown on the attached site plan map with the first phase occurring between 6th Street and the drainage way. The extension of LeFevre Drive north of 6th Street will conne...
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